Spies & Spying Personality Profiling: Surveillance Officers

From The Psychology of Spies and Spying by Adrian Furnham and John Taylor.

Surveillance Officers collect intelligence on people who are potentially planning or conducting hostile operations. 

Breach stars Ryan Phillippe as FBI Agent Eric O'Neill, a trained surveillance ‘ghost’

Spies & Spying: Surveillance Officers

They do so by the clandestine observation of the target individual whether she or he is static (ie, by observing their homes or offices from a flat overlooking the premises or from a car), moving on foot or in a vehicle. 

Surveillance Officers collect information on where the individual goes, what they do, and whom they meet. Surveillance teams can often follow the same individual for long periods of time, building up patterns of movement against the day when he or she commits a hostile act.

Breach stars Ryan Phillippe as FBI agent Eric O'Neill, a trained surveillance ‘ghost’
Breach stars Ryan Phillippe as FBI Agent Eric O'Neill, a trained surveillance ‘ghost’

Spies & Spying: Surveillance Officers

The size of the team depends on the resources available to the agency, the importance of the target, and the target’s awareness of surveillance potential. Lawful surveillance can be deployed by many government agencies including the tax authorities and social services.

Gene Hackman is a surveillance expert in The Conversation

Gene Hackman stars as a Surveillance Expert in The Conversation (1974)

The assessment of people to ensure a perfect fit

We summarize below the main skills and qualities which recruiters will look for in their assessment of potential intelligence officers. 

Intellectual horsepower

Not everyone in an organization needs to be super clever; they do however need to be ‘bright enough’. There are different kinds of intellect that are required in an intelligence service: 

  • Intellectual and cognitive capacity (IQ): an individual’s efficiency at information processing and storage. It predicts how quickly and efficiently they learn. People can be taught skills but there is not much people can do to improve their intelligence.
  • Analytical: the ability to identify relationships and patterns from information and data. 
  • Numeric or deductive ability: this relates to those posts which demand a strong mathematical or scientific approach to their work.

Personality - is about preferred ways of doing things and seeing the world. Intelligence officers cannot change their personalities but they can learn to change their behaviors. Different roles require different personality traits. Recruiters will want to assess the following:

Stability/resilience/composure - an ability to withstand stressful external stimuli without psychological hindrance. All roles involve pressure, some more than others. It is important that people do not buckle under pressure and make bad decisions.

Openness/inquisitiveness - open to experience and embrace the new and the different. They are less fazed by unusual or different places, people, or ways of doing things. Inquisitiveness is about an individual’s ability to innovate and be curious when presented with intelligence from an existing source or a new source. 

Sociability/extraversion - value social interaction and a preference to work in groups and as part of a team. Introverts value independence, preferring to work alone, or in an insular manner.

Risk-taking preferences - central to intelligence roles is the concept of risk. While all risks are thoroughly analyzed, understood, and (as much as possible) mitigated, intelligence roles require that people take risks. We split risk into two distinct parts:

  • ‘Hot’ Risk - risk where decisions have immediate (and potentially dangerous) consequences. This represents a person's willingness to engage in missions that are physically stimulating/frightening. 
  • Cold’ Risk - risk where decisions have effects that are distant and in the future. This represents a person’s willingness to make strategic decisions based on intelligence or challenge existing intelligence in favor of a different strategy. It is calculated, planned, and strategic. 

Drive/conscientiousness/work ethic - this trait assesses the level of self-motivation, organization, and drive within an individual. A conscientious person is organized, reliable, and responsible.

Integrity/honesty - an individual’s ‘moral compass’. It focuses on whether the individual is manipulative, callous, and devious or whether they have an ethical sense and moral backbone. This is one of the most important traits in the spying world, famous for its intrigues and falsehoods. It is vitally important that insiders can trust their colleagues.


Skills can be taught - people can learn to do better. Inevitably an individual’s intellect and personality tend to dictate both what skills they initially have and how efficiently they learn further or higher skills.

Interpersonal skills - the ability to cultivate and maintain relationships. Certain jobs specify a need for strong social skills, not only to gather information but also to operate with others.

Observational skills - the ability to observe and follow targets. Certain roles have a need to be aware of their surroundings.

Physical ability - some roles require more than average physical fitness.

Leadership - leadership is relevant primarily for the Spymaster and for those who have to lead groups. It needs to encompass strategic ability, ambition, and a willingness to delegate. The desirable qualities of a leader are much debated. 

Excerpt courtesy of The Psychology of Spies and Spying by Adrian Furnham and John Taylor.

Spies & Spying Personality Profiling: Surveillance Officers

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From The Psychology of Spies and Spying by Adrian Furnham and John Taylor.

Surveillance Officers collect intelligence on people who are potentially planning or conducting hostile operations. 

Breach stars Ryan Phillippe as FBI Agent Eric O'Neill, a trained surveillance ‘ghost’

Spies & Spying: Surveillance Officers

They do so by the clandestine observation of the target individual whether she or he is static (ie, by observing their homes or offices from a flat overlooking the premises or from a car), moving on foot or in a vehicle. 

Surveillance Officers collect information on where the individual goes, what they do, and whom they meet. Surveillance teams can often follow the same individual for long periods of time, building up patterns of movement against the day when he or she commits a hostile act.

Breach stars Ryan Phillippe as FBI agent Eric O'Neill, a trained surveillance ‘ghost’
Breach stars Ryan Phillippe as FBI Agent Eric O'Neill, a trained surveillance ‘ghost’

Spies & Spying: Surveillance Officers

The size of the team depends on the resources available to the agency, the importance of the target, and the target’s awareness of surveillance potential. Lawful surveillance can be deployed by many government agencies including the tax authorities and social services.

Gene Hackman is a surveillance expert in The Conversation

Gene Hackman stars as a Surveillance Expert in The Conversation (1974)

The Lives of Others: Ulrich Mühe stars as a tormented Stasi officer

Spies & Spying: Surveillance Teams

The size of the team can vary from two (unusually small) to 40 or 50, with the use of cars, motorbikes, drones, and aircraft. Some will also deploy beacons clandestinely placed on the car and substances such as chemicals or even nuclear dust to help the surveillants track their target. They have secure radios so they can inform other members of the team what is happening. 

“Once is a happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action.” - Ian Fleming, Goldfinger.

Attributes of an SV Officer include patience and high boredom threshold. They need to look average (the gray person) as they need to blend in. They need to know their ‘patch’ and they have to be technologically competent, sophisticated, and up-to-speed with new developments. There is an arms war in surveillance technology as every development leads to the 'opposition' trying to outsmart it.

Listen to surveillance expert Eric O’Neill on True Spies podcast Gray Suit & The Ghost
Listen to surveillance expert Eric O’Neill on True Spies podcast Gray Suit & The Ghost
Listen to SPYEX Surveillance Expert Eric O’Neill on True Spies' Gray Suit & The Ghost

Spies & Spying: Surveillance Officer essentials

The essential skills of a Surveillance Officer are:

The essential skills of a surveillance officer From The Psychology of Spies and Spying by Adrian Furnham and John Taylor.

Spies & Spying: Surveillance Officers in fiction

In fiction, perhaps the best known is in John le Carré’s novels. Toby Esterhase heads up the ‘lamplighter’ section responsible for surveillance.

Of all the espionage roles in fiction, particularly in films, surveillance operations are among the least accurate representations.

David Dencik stars as Toby Esterhase in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)
David Dencik stars as Toby Esterhase in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)

Excerpt courtesy of The Psychology of Spies and Spying by Adrian Furnham and John Taylor.

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The assessment of people to ensure a perfect fit

We summarize below the main skills and qualities which recruiters will look for in their assessment of potential intelligence officers. 

Intellectual horsepower

Not everyone in an organization needs to be super clever; they do however need to be ‘bright enough’. There are different kinds of intellect that are required in an intelligence service: 

  • Intellectual and cognitive capacity (IQ): an individual’s efficiency at information processing and storage. It predicts how quickly and efficiently they learn. People can be taught skills but there is not much people can do to improve their intelligence.
  • Analytical: the ability to identify relationships and patterns from information and data. 
  • Numeric or deductive ability: this relates to those posts which demand a strong mathematical or scientific approach to their work.

Personality - is about preferred ways of doing things and seeing the world. Intelligence officers cannot change their personalities but they can learn to change their behaviors. Different roles require different personality traits. Recruiters will want to assess the following:

Stability/resilience/composure - an ability to withstand stressful external stimuli without psychological hindrance. All roles involve pressure, some more than others. It is important that people do not buckle under pressure and make bad decisions.

Openness/inquisitiveness - open to experience and embrace the new and the different. They are less fazed by unusual or different places, people, or ways of doing things. Inquisitiveness is about an individual’s ability to innovate and be curious when presented with intelligence from an existing source or a new source. 

Sociability/extraversion - value social interaction and a preference to work in groups and as part of a team. Introverts value independence, preferring to work alone, or in an insular manner.

Risk-taking preferences - central to intelligence roles is the concept of risk. While all risks are thoroughly analyzed, understood, and (as much as possible) mitigated, intelligence roles require that people take risks. We split risk into two distinct parts:

  • ‘Hot’ Risk - risk where decisions have immediate (and potentially dangerous) consequences. This represents a person's willingness to engage in missions that are physically stimulating/frightening. 
  • Cold’ Risk - risk where decisions have effects that are distant and in the future. This represents a person’s willingness to make strategic decisions based on intelligence or challenge existing intelligence in favor of a different strategy. It is calculated, planned, and strategic. 

Drive/conscientiousness/work ethic - this trait assesses the level of self-motivation, organization, and drive within an individual. A conscientious person is organized, reliable, and responsible.

Integrity/honesty - an individual’s ‘moral compass’. It focuses on whether the individual is manipulative, callous, and devious or whether they have an ethical sense and moral backbone. This is one of the most important traits in the spying world, famous for its intrigues and falsehoods. It is vitally important that insiders can trust their colleagues.


Skills can be taught - people can learn to do better. Inevitably an individual’s intellect and personality tend to dictate both what skills they initially have and how efficiently they learn further or higher skills.

Interpersonal skills - the ability to cultivate and maintain relationships. Certain jobs specify a need for strong social skills, not only to gather information but also to operate with others.

Observational skills - the ability to observe and follow targets. Certain roles have a need to be aware of their surroundings.

Physical ability - some roles require more than average physical fitness.

Leadership - leadership is relevant primarily for the Spymaster and for those who have to lead groups. It needs to encompass strategic ability, ambition, and a willingness to delegate. The desirable qualities of a leader are much debated. 

Excerpt courtesy of The Psychology of Spies and Spying by Adrian Furnham and John Taylor.
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