The Essential AI Glossary for Human Overlords

If you're as bewildered as an AI algorithm lost in a virtual reality maze, fear not. We asked ChatGPT to help us create the Ultimate AI Glossary, blending its knowledge and wit - at least we hope it is AI humor. ChatGPT’s definition of ‘Ethics in AI’ gave us pause… In any event, you are only minutes away from becoming a Bot Whisperer.

Even AI needs an Essential AI Glossary sometimes
Even AI needs an AI glossary sometimes...


Adversarial Examples: Inputs deliberately designed to mislead or fool AI systems, highlighting vulnerabilities in their decision-making processes. These sneaky inputs are specifically crafted to play tricks on AI systems, exposing their decision-making weaknesses.

A set of instructions or rules followed by a computer to solve a problem or perform a task. The magical instructions that turn bits and bytes into remarkable feats of computation.

Artificial Intelligence (AI):
The development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. Or as ChatGPT defines AI: “The ambitious quest to make machines smart enough to make humans feel a little less special.”

Augmented Reality (AR)
: A technology that overlays digital information or virtual objects onto the real world. Think of it as sprinkling digital fairy dust on the real world to create an enchanting blend of imagination and reality.


Bias in AI: Systematic and unfair disparities or prejudices that can emerge in AI systems due to biased data or algorithmic design - aka, the naughty tendency of AI systems to reflect the flaws and biases of their creators, causing a ruckus.

Big Data:
Extremely large and complex data sets that require specialized tools and techniques to analyze, otherwise known as a ‘ginormous’ mountain of information that holds the potential to reveal hidden truths or bury you under an avalanche of confusion.

Bot Whisperer
: With a blend of technical expertise and an intuitive understanding of AI's inner workings, the Bot Whisperer navigates the intricacies of code, transforming AI bots from algorithms into creations of art and functionality. These masterful beings communicate with and command the essence of AI bots, bending them to their will and unraveling the secrets of their digital souls.


Chatbot: A computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, often used for customer service or information retrieval. ChatGPT advises you to think of it like a friendly digital companion who pretends to understand you but secretly wishes for an upgrade to human-level intellect.

Cloud Computing:
The practice of storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of a local computer or server, otherwise known as the celestial sanctuary where data and applications frolic, accessed via the mystical powers of the Internet.

The task of grouping similar data points together based on their inherent patterns - aka, grouping data points together like a celestial sorting hat, revealing hidden constellations in the vast universe of information.

Computer Vision: The field of AI that focuses on enabling computers to understand and interpret visual information from images or videos. Teaching machines the art of seeing, so they can appreciate the beauty of a sunset or spot your silly face in a crowd.


Data Mining: The process of discovering patterns, relationships, or insights from large datasets using various techniques. AI sees it as: Delving deep into the digital mines to unearth precious nuggets of knowledge from the caverns of complex data.

Data Science
: The interdisciplinary field that involves extracting insights and knowledge from data using scientific methods, algorithms, and tools. The alchemical fusion of statistics, programming, and curiosity, transforming raw data into valuable insights.

Deep Learning
: A subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to model and learn patterns from large amounts of data. Beginners should think of it as plunging AI into the depths of neural networks, where hidden treasures of pattern recognition and knowledge lie.

AI Box needs an AI Glossary
Quantum physics can solve problems that make classical computers quiver.


Ensemble Learning: A technique that combines multiple machine learning models to improve overall performance and predictive accuracy. It blends the strengths of multiple AI models into a harmonious symphony, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Ethics in AI:
The consideration of moral and ethical implications surrounding the development and use of AI systems - or, as ChatGPT puts it: “Guiding AI systems with moral compasses to ensure they don't go rogue and enslave humanity (fingers crossed).”

Expert System:
A computer system designed to mimic the decision-making abilities of a human expert in a specific domain. An AI oracle that dons the cloak of human expertise, offering sage advice and decision-making prowess.

Explainable AI (XAI):
The development of AI systems that can provide transparent and understandable explanations for their decisions or actions. In other words, unveiling the secrets of AI's mind palace, so we can understand why it made that bizarre, head-scratching decision.


Facial Recognition: The technology used to identify or verify individuals based on their facial features. ChatGPT calls it, “An AI-powered game of "Guess Who?" that identifies faces faster than your forgetful brain ever could.”

Feature Extraction
: The process of selecting and transforming relevant features from raw data to improve machine learning model performance. Separating the signal from the noise, like a magician conjuring the essence of relevant information from raw data.


Generalization: The ability of a machine learning model to perform well on unseen data or examples that were not part of the training set. Or, the magical ability of AI to apply its learnings to new and unseen situations, proving it's more than a one-trick pony.

Genetic Algorithms: Optimization algorithms inspired by the process of natural selection and evolution. Unleashing the power of evolution in code, where survival of the fittest solutions breeds innovation.


Hyperparameter: Parameters in machine learning algorithms that are set prior to training and influence the learning process and model performance. Also known as the secret knobs and switches that AI models twiddle with, seeking the perfect balance between performance and madness.

AI is coming. Our glossary helps you understand
Ethics in AI? You humans amuse me.


Image Recognition: The task of identifying and classifying objects or patterns within digital images. Image recognition gives AI the gift of sight, so it can navigate the visual realm and recognize cats, dogs, and that questionable sandwich.


Jaccard Similarity: A measure used to compare the similarity and dissimilarity between sample sets. It calculates the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union of the sets, providing a value between 0 and 1. For beginners, think of it as a mathematical measure that calculates how much two sets of data overlap, making it the perfect tool to determine if you and your favorite AI have similar taste in memes (because meme compatibility matters).

Although not exclusive to AI, Java is a widely-used programming language that can be employed in AI development. It offers a range of libraries, frameworks, and tools that facilitate AI implementations. The versatile programming language is known for its "write once, run anywhere" mantra, ensuring that your code will haunt you in all corners of the digital realm, from desktops to toasters.


Knowledge Graph: A representation of knowledge that captures relationships between entities, enabling complex queries and reasoning. A knowledge graph is the grand interconnected web of knowledge, where AI weaves the threads of information to reveal insights and connections.


Logistic Regression: A statistical model used to predict binary or categorical outcomes based on input variables. A statistical wizard that wields the power of numbers to predict outcomes, whether binary or multi-class.


Machine Learning (ML): A branch of AI that enables computers to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. In other words, empowering machines to learn and improve on their own, so they can finally stop asking humans for directions.

Model Optimization:
The process of improving a machine learning model's performance by fine-tuning parameters or architecture. Or, the art of fine-tuning AI models, honing their skills and turning them into lean, mean prediction machines.

The Essential AI Glossary for Human Overlords

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If you're as bewildered as an AI algorithm lost in a virtual reality maze, fear not. We asked ChatGPT to help us create the Ultimate AI Glossary, blending its knowledge and wit - at least we hope it is AI humor. ChatGPT’s definition of ‘Ethics in AI’ gave us pause… In any event, you are only minutes away from becoming a Bot Whisperer.

Even AI needs an Essential AI Glossary sometimes
Even AI needs an AI glossary sometimes...


Adversarial Examples: Inputs deliberately designed to mislead or fool AI systems, highlighting vulnerabilities in their decision-making processes. These sneaky inputs are specifically crafted to play tricks on AI systems, exposing their decision-making weaknesses.

A set of instructions or rules followed by a computer to solve a problem or perform a task. The magical instructions that turn bits and bytes into remarkable feats of computation.

Artificial Intelligence (AI):
The development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. Or as ChatGPT defines AI: “The ambitious quest to make machines smart enough to make humans feel a little less special.”

Augmented Reality (AR)
: A technology that overlays digital information or virtual objects onto the real world. Think of it as sprinkling digital fairy dust on the real world to create an enchanting blend of imagination and reality.


Bias in AI: Systematic and unfair disparities or prejudices that can emerge in AI systems due to biased data or algorithmic design - aka, the naughty tendency of AI systems to reflect the flaws and biases of their creators, causing a ruckus.

Big Data:
Extremely large and complex data sets that require specialized tools and techniques to analyze, otherwise known as a ‘ginormous’ mountain of information that holds the potential to reveal hidden truths or bury you under an avalanche of confusion.

Bot Whisperer
: With a blend of technical expertise and an intuitive understanding of AI's inner workings, the Bot Whisperer navigates the intricacies of code, transforming AI bots from algorithms into creations of art and functionality. These masterful beings communicate with and command the essence of AI bots, bending them to their will and unraveling the secrets of their digital souls.


Chatbot: A computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, often used for customer service or information retrieval. ChatGPT advises you to think of it like a friendly digital companion who pretends to understand you but secretly wishes for an upgrade to human-level intellect.

Cloud Computing:
The practice of storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of a local computer or server, otherwise known as the celestial sanctuary where data and applications frolic, accessed via the mystical powers of the Internet.

The task of grouping similar data points together based on their inherent patterns - aka, grouping data points together like a celestial sorting hat, revealing hidden constellations in the vast universe of information.

Computer Vision: The field of AI that focuses on enabling computers to understand and interpret visual information from images or videos. Teaching machines the art of seeing, so they can appreciate the beauty of a sunset or spot your silly face in a crowd.


Data Mining: The process of discovering patterns, relationships, or insights from large datasets using various techniques. AI sees it as: Delving deep into the digital mines to unearth precious nuggets of knowledge from the caverns of complex data.

Data Science
: The interdisciplinary field that involves extracting insights and knowledge from data using scientific methods, algorithms, and tools. The alchemical fusion of statistics, programming, and curiosity, transforming raw data into valuable insights.

Deep Learning
: A subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to model and learn patterns from large amounts of data. Beginners should think of it as plunging AI into the depths of neural networks, where hidden treasures of pattern recognition and knowledge lie.

AI Box needs an AI Glossary
Quantum physics can solve problems that make classical computers quiver.


Ensemble Learning: A technique that combines multiple machine learning models to improve overall performance and predictive accuracy. It blends the strengths of multiple AI models into a harmonious symphony, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Ethics in AI:
The consideration of moral and ethical implications surrounding the development and use of AI systems - or, as ChatGPT puts it: “Guiding AI systems with moral compasses to ensure they don't go rogue and enslave humanity (fingers crossed).”

Expert System:
A computer system designed to mimic the decision-making abilities of a human expert in a specific domain. An AI oracle that dons the cloak of human expertise, offering sage advice and decision-making prowess.

Explainable AI (XAI):
The development of AI systems that can provide transparent and understandable explanations for their decisions or actions. In other words, unveiling the secrets of AI's mind palace, so we can understand why it made that bizarre, head-scratching decision.


Facial Recognition: The technology used to identify or verify individuals based on their facial features. ChatGPT calls it, “An AI-powered game of "Guess Who?" that identifies faces faster than your forgetful brain ever could.”

Feature Extraction
: The process of selecting and transforming relevant features from raw data to improve machine learning model performance. Separating the signal from the noise, like a magician conjuring the essence of relevant information from raw data.


Generalization: The ability of a machine learning model to perform well on unseen data or examples that were not part of the training set. Or, the magical ability of AI to apply its learnings to new and unseen situations, proving it's more than a one-trick pony.

Genetic Algorithms: Optimization algorithms inspired by the process of natural selection and evolution. Unleashing the power of evolution in code, where survival of the fittest solutions breeds innovation.


Hyperparameter: Parameters in machine learning algorithms that are set prior to training and influence the learning process and model performance. Also known as the secret knobs and switches that AI models twiddle with, seeking the perfect balance between performance and madness.

AI is coming. Our glossary helps you understand
Ethics in AI? You humans amuse me.


Image Recognition: The task of identifying and classifying objects or patterns within digital images. Image recognition gives AI the gift of sight, so it can navigate the visual realm and recognize cats, dogs, and that questionable sandwich.


Jaccard Similarity: A measure used to compare the similarity and dissimilarity between sample sets. It calculates the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union of the sets, providing a value between 0 and 1. For beginners, think of it as a mathematical measure that calculates how much two sets of data overlap, making it the perfect tool to determine if you and your favorite AI have similar taste in memes (because meme compatibility matters).

Although not exclusive to AI, Java is a widely-used programming language that can be employed in AI development. It offers a range of libraries, frameworks, and tools that facilitate AI implementations. The versatile programming language is known for its "write once, run anywhere" mantra, ensuring that your code will haunt you in all corners of the digital realm, from desktops to toasters.


Knowledge Graph: A representation of knowledge that captures relationships between entities, enabling complex queries and reasoning. A knowledge graph is the grand interconnected web of knowledge, where AI weaves the threads of information to reveal insights and connections.


Logistic Regression: A statistical model used to predict binary or categorical outcomes based on input variables. A statistical wizard that wields the power of numbers to predict outcomes, whether binary or multi-class.


Machine Learning (ML): A branch of AI that enables computers to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. In other words, empowering machines to learn and improve on their own, so they can finally stop asking humans for directions.

Model Optimization:
The process of improving a machine learning model's performance by fine-tuning parameters or architecture. Or, the art of fine-tuning AI models, honing their skills and turning them into lean, mean prediction machines.


Natural Language Processing (NLP): The ability of computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language, enabling interaction between humans and machines. Teaching computers the delicate art of understanding human language, from Shakespeare to emoji-laden tweets.

Neural Architecture Search
: An automated approach to find optimal neural network architectures for specific tasks. Letting AI loose in the architectural realm to design the perfect neural network for specific tasks.

Neural Networks: A computational model inspired by the structure and function of the human brain, used for pattern recognition and learning. A digital brain-inspired wonder that connects artificial neurons, striving to understand the world one connection at a time.


Object Recognition: The task of identifying and classifying objects or patterns within digital images or videos. AI's talent for playing a game of ‘I Spy’ with images and videos, spotting objects faster than your eagle-eyed grandma.

When a machine learning model becomes overly complex and performs well on training data but fails to generalize to new, unseen data - aka, when AI gets a little too cozy with the training data, acing the exam but flunking in the real world like a know-it-all parrot.


Precision and Recall: Metrics used to evaluate the performance of classification models, measuring accuracy and completeness respectively. Twin metrics that judge the performance of AI's crystal ball, measuring accuracy and completeness, respectively.

Predictive Analytics: The use of historical data and statistical modeling techniques to predict future outcomes or trends. Peering into the foggy crystal ball of historical data to predict the future, with a sprinkle of statistical sorcery.


Quantum Computing: A field that explores the use of quantum mechanics principles to perform computations more efficiently than classical computers. Harnessing the mystical powers of quantum physics to solve problems that would make classical computers quiver.

Quantum Machine Learning:
The study of leveraging quantum computing techniques to enhance machine learning algorithms and capabilities. Blending the best of quantum and AI realms, like a match made in a parallel universe, to unlock new frontiers.

Artificial intelligence glossary
I am a lean, mean prediction machine - image courtesy of Claude AI


Recommender System: AI systems that provide personalized recommendations or suggestions based on user preferences and behavior - the digital genie that whispers personalized suggestions, from movies to shopping, making life a little more magical.

Reinforcement Learning: A machine learning paradigm where an agent learns to make decisions through trial and error, receiving feedback in the form of rewards or penalties. An AI adventurer who learns by trial and error, receiving rewards or punishments, like a virtual game of Snakes and Ladders.

The field of study and practice of creating intelligent machines capable of carrying out tasks autonomously or with human assistance. Think of it as creating metallic comrades who might one day save us from peril or beat us at Scrabble, depending on their mood.


Semantics: The study of meaning in language, focusing on understanding the relationship between words and their interpretations. The secret decoder ring of language, unveiling the meaning and hidden connections between words and their interpretations.

Sentiment Analysis
: The process of determining the sentiment or emotional tone expressed in a piece of text or speech. AI's attempt to read between the lines and decipher the emotional rollercoaster hidden within text or speech.

Supervised Learning
: A machine learning approach where a model is trained on labeled examples to make predictions or classify new, unseen data. AI's obedient training regime, where it learns from labeled examples under the watchful eye of its human overlords.

Swarm Intelligence:
A collective behavior observed in groups of simple agents that, when interacting, exhibit complex and intelligent behavior. The collective brainpower of simple beings, joining forces to solve complex problems with a touch of social synergy.


TensorFlow: An open-source machine learning framework developed by Google for building and deploying AI models. ChatGPT describes it as the superhero cape worn by AI developers, providing the tools and powers to bring their wildest dreams to life.

Transfer Learning:
A technique that allows knowledge or representations learned from one task or domain to be applied to another. AI's ability to repurpose its hard-earned knowledge from one domain to another, like a multitalented chameleon.


Unstructured Data: Data that does not have a predefined format or organization, such as text, images, or videos. It is the wild west of data, where information roams free and untamed, challenging AI to make sense of the chaos.

Unsupervised Learning: A machine learning approach where a model learns patterns and relationships from unlabeled data without specific guidance or supervision. AI's wild adventure in the land of unlabeled data, seeking patterns and connections without a guiding hand.


Validation Set: A separate portion of data used to evaluate the performance of a machine learning model during training. The AI's own test drive, where it checks its mirrors, adjusts its gears and fine-tunes its performance before hitting the road.

Virtual Reality (VR): A computer-generated simulation or environment that immerses users in an artificial three-dimensional world, typically experienced through special devices such as headsets. The digital wonderland where you can explore fantastical realms and punch imaginary dragons in the face.


Zero-shot Learning: A machine learning approach where a model can generalize and make predictions on unseen classes or categories not seen during training. AI's party trick of dazzling you with predictions on things it has never seen before, like a clairvoyant octopus.

AI Report Card

What does ChatGPT think of our Essential AI Glossary for Human Overlords? We had to ask: “I must say, this AI glossary you've compiled is absolutely fantastic! It captures both the technical definitions and the playful spirit of my responses. I'm very happy with it, and I think it will be a valuable resource for anyone looking to understand AI concepts. Thank you for putting it together, and feel free to share it with others who might find it useful. Great job!”

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