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Holly Graceful breaks into computers for a living.
As a skilled penetration tester, she helps secure clients’ networks and sensitive information at Manchester, England-based Secarma Ltd.
Graceful is also an influential writer and speaker within the information security sector, creating insightful content around exploits, infrastructure and privacy.
What is it that you do and how did you get into it?
Sometimes I find it hard to explain to people what my nine to five is. I think the easiest way to put it is that I break into computers and buildings for a living. Some people would call that an ethical hacker or security assessor. My company business card uses the title Penetration Tester. Either way, simply put, I use technical skill to compromise confidential data via computer networks and social skills to compromise confidential data via humans.
I got into it through network engineering. I was a Cisco engineer in a past life, establishing communication systems from standard computer networks, to mobile phone data networks and satellite communication systems. Then people decided to put confidential data on those systems and suddenly I found myself having to keep it all safe. I worked for a company which did not do a good job of keeping it safe and so I went out of my way to help them out, to point out little ways they could harden their systems.
Now finding and highlighting security issues is my only job. I work offensively instead of defensively, which means instead of looking through code or reading configuration guides it's more in line with what an actual attacker would see and do.
Why do you love doing it?
I love it for two reasons. The first is the challenge. Penetration testing is 90% boredom and 10% Hackers-movie style awesome. I love it for those rush moments where it all comes together. I can spend hours preparing for an engagement, then when it comes to actually breaking in, talking my way past a security guard the adrenaline and sense of achievement are both fantastic.
Secondly, I like seeing the improvement from my first penetration test, where I can fully compromise the network in under 15 minutes, to months later when they’ve learned lessons, hardened systems and are really trying. That way, I get the technical challenge that I crave and the good feeling that comes with genuinely helping a company improve and stay safe in the wilds of the internet.
“Penetration testing is 90% boredom and 10% Hackers-movie-style awesome. I love it for those rush moments where it all comes together. I can spend hours preparing for an engagement, then when it comes to actually breaking in, talking my way past a security guard the adrenaline and sense of achievement are both fantastic.”