minute read
TikTok is hooked on Spy Dad. The ex-US military operative (or so he says) is a favorite with Generation Zoomers, appearing in more than a dozen Q&A sessions ‘liked’ by more than 14m fans!
Spy Dad is not the only espionage operative - real or imagined - on social media, however. SPYSCAPE undertook a mission to find the best, quirkiest and most creative videos online.

Maria's Spy Dad
“What are they hiding in Antarctica? Were you ever hurt during your time as a spy? What’s the coolest spy gadget? What would happen if you leaked classified information?” TikTok’s mariaisabellecomstock asks her retired father in rapid succession (after she disses his ‘man bun’ ponytail). Maria’s Spy Dad posts often go viral - her TikTok videos reached millions! - and she posts on Facebook and YouTube.

Jack Laser, inventor
Inventor Jack Laser has built everything from an Iron Man superhero outfit to a James Bond-style mini underwater scuba tank. The YouTube and TikTok star began inventing gadgets when he was 11 and takes requests from his 1.76m Youtube subscribers about what to create next. So far, Laser has turned himself into a human drone, built Spiderman climbing shoes, invented a belt that turns into a sword and crafted Air Force 1 shoes that shoot fire!

Cesar Gaytán, hacker
Do you need to hack a cell phone? You’ve come to the right place. Cesar Gaytán has racked up 1m ‘likes’ teaching his Spanish TikTok followers how to spy on random cell phone cameras. But did he really hack a water plant or is that just a clever marketing ploy? Gaytan also posts on Instagram and hosts the Hackwise YouTube channel where he shares real-life stories like the tale of Gary McKinnon, the Scottish black hat who hacked into NASA and 96 other US military computers after 9/11.