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David Rosen is part of one of the most secretive teams in entertainment. His boss, Hunters show creator David Weil, has promised unexpected twists and turns in season 2 (which will begin production next week). Plot lines are ridiculously closely-guarded secrets, as described in Forbes’ exclusive interview with Weil.
We couldn’t get story secrets out of David Rosen, but he did tell us that Hunters season 2 will drop in 2022. He also shared with us some of the creative masters who influence him professionally, as well as his thoughts on social media.

Who has influenced or inspired you professionally?
I've been bingeing a lot of old 70's paranoid thrillers to prepare for this next season of Hunters, as well as a steady diet of Coen Brothers, Hitchcock, Shane Black and Steve Conrad of late. I should probably be writing more and watching less! But filmmakers who create incredible suspense - and at the same time use humor to create grounded, believable characters - are what I love. They always suck me in. And they definitely inspire creatively.
You thought SPYFLIX Best Series winner #martyisdead was excellent and that it made you want to go through all children's social media accounts! In our interview with series writer Jaroslav Miška, he mentioned that working on the project led him to close down his Facebook account. How would you categorize your own use of social media and/or what are your thoughts on its value vs. risk?
My use of social media is usually voyeuristic – I rarely post anymore. Except occasionally to promote something or yell about something! Years ago I would be silly online, but nowadays fear and caution trump the desire for fun. The hazy line between what's real and unreal, the potential for being gaslit by a stranger… these are things that made #martyisdead so intense, scary and horrifyingly real. We scroll past endless pitfalls daily when online!
Were there any other SPYFLIX entries that really stood out?
The doc series Green Blood excellently depicted a story that is both maddening and uplifting. And Ian Voglesong’s NOC - Non Official Cover was really well done! I know the SPYFLIX Festival has ended, but I’d encourage people to find and watch both of these submissions wherever they can.
How did you spend your time in lockdown?
Other than typing away on Hunters Season 2 (as well as working on some of my own new material), I spent a lot of the last year carefully maneuvering through our house trying to avoid appearing on my wife and children's Zoom calls!